DARK CORNERS – Snippets & Reviews!

final corners

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Some fun snippets!  (Remember this material is copyright protected! And for adults!)

All over south Florida people are seeing things – things that can’t be real –or can they?

 Nikki’s boss gives her the most bizarre assignment of her career. More than 200 solid citizens have reported sightings and contacts with UFO’s! Soon she’s on the trail with help from the University of Tennessee Space Institute & the Air Force!

Roman comes to the aide of an old Army buddy and finds himself with the most baffling case of his career. Did the US Army actually hijack an armored car? Or is his buddy feeding Roman a pack of lies?

When their cases converge – Roman and Nikki become trapped in a plot that’s stranger than science fiction but as real as death in Dark Corners

Roman’s brow furrowed. “Not your type of alien? What the hell does that mean?”

“Well…our alien is…” Four eyes followed the direction of Teresa’s forefinger.

It pointed up.

Nikki’s laugh was airy but forced. “Are we talking extraterrestrials? From a galaxy far, far away? A close encounter of a third kind?”


“Cantrell, I really think we’re taking a big chance doing this.”


“Swimming au naturel by the light of the full July moon.”

Roman’s voice was a conspiratorial whisper. “It is midnight. It is our pool. There’s black screening, a privacy fence, a tall hedge and you are sitting on the underwater light.” His fingers sent a warm ripple in Nikki’s direction. “So, who’s to see?”

“If you believe Teresa Hutton’s evidence, the night has a thousand eyes. I just hope all one thousand of those eyes aren’t confined to a single alien!” Nikki listened as a masculine laugh was converted into bubbles.


“Stay alert. Stay alive.”

Mackey nodded vigorously at Cantrell. “Right on. Just like over there.” He leaned forward, tapping his index finger on the table top. “That’s just the way I felt, too. Pumped up. Waiting. Then the enemy appeared. And…and for a minute I thought—” Suddenly his mouth clamped shut.

“The truth, Tony.”

“All right.” His abrupt laugh was dry, forced. “Fuck it…I thought they were…” His next word was whispered, “Martians.”

“Martians?” Cantrell shook his head, “Did you say Martians?”


“Boys…boys…my stomach cannot take this stress.” Pausing halfway out the patio door, Nikki threatened them with barbeque tools. “Let’s make a rule. For the rest of the night we discuss only nonviolent topics like politics, religion and sex.

“And speaking of sex,” She gave a broad wink, “wait until I tell you about my first interview of the day with the Queen of Botox, butt and boob enhancements and hairstylist to the Palm Bitches. Pink haired Muriel, I’ve-been-finger-fucked-in-two-orifices-by-an-alien-and-now-I’m-pregnant, Feinberg.” Nikki winced when silverware and plates crashed on the floor.




RT Rating:
Dogged investigative reporter Nikki Holden is used to hunging for the truth regarding politcal and business corruption – but UFO sightings? Not so much. In the second revised and updated installment in Chase’s exceptional Nikki Holden/Roman Cantrell mystery series, things take a turn into the far-out weird which means a ton of reading fun!
Not only is there a clever mystery in this story, but Nikki and Roman’s relationship continues to evolve. Just what the romantic suspense reader ordered!
Following the resolution of their previous case and the horrific beating that nearly killed her, Nikki has been recuperating in Roman’s home. As part of her recovery plan, her friend and boss Matt sends her a new assignment that is unlike anything Nikki has ever worked  on. Matt just added the tabloid Scuttlebutt to his publishing empire and its editor Teresa Hutton needs help investigating the recent UFO sightings that 200 people in South Florida witnessed.

Despite her misgivings, Nikki decides to accept the assignment and dig into it like any other case. Meanwhile Roman gets a call from an old military buddy who has been involved in a truly bizarre crime. Tony swears his armored car was hijacked by a group using an M1 Tank. Meanwhile Nikki’s ‘otherworldly”  investigation soon leads her in some very unexpected directions!


I’d read the first in this mystery-solving duet of Roman Cantrell and Nikki Holden from Elaine Raco Chase, and loved the characters and their banter. Now they are back again and dealing with their own unusual (for them) connection and another series of questions. Please read on for my review of

Dark Corners – 5 Stars!

So, Nikki is now finally recovered from the beating she had taken, and is feeling a bit unsettled by her own indecision regarding leaving Roman’s house.  She’s not interested (she thinks) in connections, doesn’t believe in romance, can’t find a reason why Roman would want her, and still doesn’t want to go. But she is B O R E D and restless, so the opportunity to debunk the journalistic disaster that is the bread and butter of her boss Matt’s new acquisition is too tempting and tasty.

UFO’s are being sighted all over south Florida, and a pairing with one of the tabloid’s ace ‘reporters’ brings her to a site with a boomerang-shaped imprint, chlorophyll-leached sugarcane, a 30 metre fissure, some strange rocks and a dead body.  The body belongs to a guard who disappeared after an armored truck heist, working for a company that is a client of Roman’s security firm.

Oh the twists are big and broad in this one: with mysteries overlapping and connecting, an M1A1 Abrams tank, UFO’s, a commander at the local Air Force Base, Nikki’s Mafia-don protector and his interior-decorating henchman, the FBI, CIA, ATF and a series of serious scientists, sane and not.

With what I have come to see as Chase’s trademark wise-cracking interactive dialogue, Nikki becomes the center of the story as pieces start to fall into place and her determination to ‘get’ the story sends her off, curiosity piqued, into confirming her hunches.  When you add in a completely brilliant and utterly bonkers antagonist, a tigress, several geeks with questionable morality and Roman’s take no prisoners approach to keeping Nikki in his life, the story is hard to walk away from.  Real science and information is a highlight as the plot develops, and several passages may require a bit of second or third reading, but the seeming overload of technical detail does start to place Nikki’s thought process into the reader’s head, and you see how she arrives at, and decides to investigate her conclusions.

This isn’t a simple mystery with interconnected pieces, relationships and a bit of personal baggage thrown in to mix things up, but that just serves to add dimension and plausibility to the characters. While the mystery is solid and captivating, you want to read on because of Nikki and Roman, you become their cheerleader and partner.

Dark Corners: Roman Cantrell-Nikki Holden Mystery #2 by Elaine Raco Chase


BeachBum Books – FIVE STARS!

The relationship between Nikki Holden and Roman Cantrell continues to stutter-step forward as they converge on solving two apparently separate, and very vexing cases. Nikki’s is a ripped-from-the-headlines series of mysterious sightings over Florida, while Roman’s centers on a snatch and grab that makes little sense until he digs ever deeper, including putting at risk an old friendship. Both cases have an aura of impossibility and neither Nikki nor Roman could have predicted how they’d land on the same endgame. With dire consequences.

Nikki continues to delight with her toughness, snark and take-no-prisoners ‘tude. And Roman? Oh my… Roman does press all those alpha buttons. Apart they’re kick-you-know-what, but together they light up the night sky with their chemistry.

This is a fast-paced mystery that will have you scratching your head and turning the pages. There are thrills and chills galore as the plot points converge in unexpected ways. Nikki and Roman are a match made in heaven and I can’t wait for the next in the series.


“This is the second book in the Roman Cantrell-Nikki Holden Mystery series.
I read the first book a while ago and I had loved it so I couldn’t wait to get my hands on this one.
I am very picky when it comes to Mystery and well I do not read this genre often but I very much liked this book. It is one that I just wanted to continue reading because I wanted to find out what happens next.
This book is well written and I swear I was kept at the edge of my seat. Couldn’t get enough of this face-paced book and now I can’t wait to read more books in this series.

I highly recommend this book.
I give this 5 out of 5
Canadian Book Addict (01/02/2017)